Release notes for Kendo UI Core v2016.3.914
What's new
- Breaking Remove Grunt from the project (#1832)
- Update `kendo-ui-core` NPM package (#1666)
- Replace deprecated gulp plugin 'gulp-minify-css' with 'gulp-clean-css' (#2105)
- Update UI for ASP.NET Core Mvc Getting Started instructions (#1895)
- Build task for CommonJS format (#1663)
- Enable Localization for kendo.progress (#1634)
- Ensure widget instance is available when using WebComponents (#1391)
What's fixed
- Wrong disabled text color in MetroBlack theme (#2108)
- Outdated sources in Kendo UI Professional Bower package (#2082)
- Wrong sprite_2x for Office365 theme (#1888)
- Fix popup close without effects should hide wrapper #5326 (#1842)
- Wrong border-color of checked checkbox in the Default theme (#1974)
- Image is cut on half when flip effect is performed (#1948)
- Hover over tipped element leaves highlighted rectangle under MS EDGE (#1947)
- Wrong left padding on k-textbox (#1901)
New UI Widgets
UI Widgets Features and Updates
What's new
- AngularJS bindings inside headerTemplate are not applied (#672)
What's fixed
- Virtualized widget cannot set model to selected object (#2034)
- Rendered items does not correspond to the dataItems in virtualization mode + AngularJS (#1556)
- IE10: Disabled button is still clickable (#1245)
What's fixed
- Loading animation in the Mobile Fiori theme is broken (#1983)
What's new
- Virtualization support without a value mapper (#1659)
- Multiple separators (#1656)
- `AutoWidth` configuration option (#1654)
- Add an option to Autocomplete to not show all items on length = 0 (#1653)
- "Clear" button (#1650)
- Footer template (#1649)
- "No data" template (#1647)
- List widget doesn't support PgUp/PgDown for keyboard navigation (#616)
What's fixed
- Virtualized widget cannot set model to selected object (#2034)
- Rendered items does not correspond to the dataItems in virtualization mode + AngularJS (#1556)
- VirtualList does not clear the selected value if valueMapper returns null (#1502)
- IE - when the page is scrolled in Right To Left the popup window's position is wrong (#673)
- MultiSelect and AutoComplete focused items not visually recognizable in Office365 theme (#1977)
What's fixed
- IE10: Disabled button is still clickable (#1245)
What's fixed
- Button overlap badge in buttongroup (#2070)
What's fixed
- Cannot select start of epoch - '1/1/1970', when UTC (Dublin) timezone is used (#1120)
What's fixed
- Certain custom colors could not be applied to the ColorPicker component (#1773)
What's new
- Copy maxlength attribute to the visible input element (#1691)
- Enhance the search box behavior, so that no data is requested initially (#1661)
- Support for defaultSelected settings (#1660)
- Virtualization support without a value mapper (#1659)
- `AutoWidth` configuration option (#1654)
- Add an option to Autocomplete to not show all items on length = 0 (#1653)
- "Clear" button (#1650)
- Footer template (#1649)
- "No data" template (#1647)
- Support filtering when value is paste (#1457)
- List widget doesn't support PgUp/PgDown for keyboard navigation (#616)
What's fixed
- Flash of unbound value occurs during loading (#1652)
- The dropdown popup appears in wrong position on mobile devices (#1609)
- Rendered items does not correspond to the dataItems in virtualization mode + AngularJS (#1556)
- VirtualList does not clear the selected value if valueMapper returns null (#1502)
- JS error when calling setDataSource with read DataSource in virtual mode (#1369)
What's fixed
- Context menu - is throwing TypeError after use of (#325)
What's fixed
- OData v4 datasource transport serializes date filters without converting to UTC (#1864)
What's fixed
- Widget displays value out of range (#1896)
- Cannot select start of epoch - '1/1/1970', when UTC (Dublin) timezone is used (#1120)
What's fixed
- Widget displays value out of range (#1896)
- Cannot select start of epoch - '1/1/1970', when UTC (Dublin) timezone is used (#1120)
What's fixed
- drawDOM does not overlay same-z-index elements correctly in Chrome (#2071)
- Drawing API requires Popup to be loaded (#2067)
- "Maximum call stack exceeded" error when calling exportImage (#1981)
What's new
- Enhance the search box behavior, so that no data is requested initially (#1661)
- Support for defaultSelected settings (#1660)
- Virtualization support without a value mapper (#1659)
- `AutoWidth` configuration option (#1654)
- Add an option to Autocomplete to not show all items on length = 0 (#1653)
- Footer template (#1649)
- "No data" template (#1647)
- Skip item selection on blur when list is filtered (#1475)
- Support filtering when value is paste (#1457)
- List widget doesn't support PgUp/PgDown for keyboard navigation (#616)
- Copy title attribute value to the focusable element (#1994)
What's fixed
- Widget display '[object Object]' when clear text with the 'text' method (#2087)
- Widget throwns an exception when using a calculated field for dataTextField (#1972)
- Virtualized widget cannot clear the selected value (#1729)
- The dropdown popup appears in wrong position on mobile devices (#1609)
- Rendered items does not correspond to the dataItems in virtualization mode + AngularJS (#1556)
- VirtualList does not clear the selected value if valueMapper returns null (#1502)
- Widget appends its popup in the wrong place when put in PanelBar (#985)
Excel Export
What's fixed
- Excel Export - Multi-line content exported as a single line (#2077)
- Excel export fails for rows with no cells defined (#2060)
What's new
- Allow filtering using "isnull" and "isnotnull" operators only (#2020)
What's new
- Add support for range and selected date (#1758)
- Split editable options (#1747)
What's new
- kendo.toString and format of big numbers (#423)
What's fixed
- fix possible memory leak in mobile list view (#1840)
What's new
- Support for defaultSelected settings (#1660)
- Virtualization support without a value mapper (#1659)
- New preventable add/remove events (#1658)
- `AutoWidth` configuration option (#1654)
- Add an option to Autocomplete to not show all items on length = 0 (#1653)
- "Clear" button (#1650)
- Footer template (#1649)
- "No data" template (#1647)
- Support filtering when value is paste (#1457)
- AngularJS bindings inside headerTemplate are not applied (#672)
- List widget doesn't support PgUp/PgDown for keyboard navigation (#616)
- Copy title attribute value to the focusable element (#1994)
What's fixed
- Breaking Selected items are not cleared in tag mode (#1606)
- Virtualized MultiSelect does not fire its change event if there are no initially selected values (#1986)
- Cannot remove a programatically set value from virtualized widget (#1631)
- Clicking the 'X' in the tag does not remove the tag, but it duplicates it (#1618)
- Cannot select value that is not present in the first page (after first page is loaded) (#1617)
- The filter text disappears after selecting an item in the MultiSelect with autoClose: false (#1615)
- Widget copies tags on multiple value method calls (#1976)
- Rendered items does not correspond to the dataItems in virtualization mode + AngularJS (#1556)
- VirtualList does not clear the selected value if valueMapper returns null (#1502)
- Preselected items in Multiselect are cleared upon filtering (#1473)
- JS error after selected items are cleared through the API (#1424)
- add two spaces and then click on multiselect , it will show empty list (#1050)
- MultiSelect and AutoComplete focused items not visually recognizable in Office365 theme (#1977)
What's fixed
- Wrong notification border color in Fiori theme (#1914)
What's new
- Pasted number should be validated against min/max range (#2088)
- Improve accessibility of non-active widget (#2056)
- Restrict typed decimal digits (#1693)
- Turn on/off number rounding (#1692)
- Add aria-title attribute to the presentation input element (#1184)
What's fixed
- Update the model when numeric value is decreased\increased by the arrows (AngularJS) (#1657)
- Keyboard jiggling in Win Phone 10 (Edge) (#1425)
- upArrowText and downArrowText are not localizable (#1410)
What's fixed
- The dropdown popup appears in wrong position on mobile devices (#1609)
What's fixed
- Small visual glitch on expand/collapse of panel (#1881)
What's fixed
- Widget bound to flat data throws an exception when try to apply "Include Fields" filter (#1940)
What's fixed
- Wrong draghandle border color in type-default themes (#1969)
What's fixed
- Strange border under the active tab in IE (#1950)
- Wrong active state in Material/MaterialBlack themes (#1968)
- Different top/bottom and left/right padding in TabStrip content (#1965)
What's fixed
- Widget displays value out of range (#1896)
What's fixed
- ToolBar is unable to hide buttons in the overflow container (#2102)
What's new
- Breaking Use a simplified version Regular Expression used by email validation rule (#1787)
What's new
- Automatically resize nested components upon activate (#2142)
What's fixed
- setOptions should remove existing dimensions if nulls are provided (#1308)
- Window removes inline styles from its originating element if scrolling is disabled (#2073)
- Themes visual glitches on MS EDGE (#1955)